Hey There !


About me

Hey there! I am a Web and Software developer from Bamenda Cameroon, mostly base with HTML, CSS, JS, Reactjs, Flutter/dart and am also learning Computer security management. I am student of NAHPI UBa and i love coding and developing software to better the life of my community.


I use Figma for designing and prototyping modern user interfaces following the Fluent Design and Material Design patterns by Microsoft and Google resp.

Web Development

My favorite stack is made up of HTML, CSS, JS, ReactJS, MySQL and Maven. I use Heroku for cloud services and Git as my main version control system.

App Development

I develop cross-platform mobile applications using the Flutter/dart. For platform specific code (Android), I use flutter.Android.


You can hire me to assist you with your codes

Here is a link to my resume. Find all you need to know about me including my qualifications and past experiences.



I am available on most universally popular social media if you would like to connect as "Earl Millen"

Get in touch with me

Home Address

Tubah Hill, Bambui-Bamenda, Cameroon.

Mobile Number

+237 650 204 677

Email Address
